Monday, April 23, 2012

Little Miss and Little Master

I need a close pregnant friend who is either a literary snob or an English major.  Or maybe just a huge fan of classic British authors.  Why?  Because I need an excuse to buy these board books for babies.
Pride & Prejudice: A BabyLit Board Book
Little Miss Austen?  How cute is this?!
available at Barnes and Noble

Little Master Carroll Alice in Wonderland: A Colors Primer
Little Master Carroll!!!!
here it is
Little Miss Bronte Jane Eyre: A Series of Board Books for Brilliant Babies
Little Miss Bronte!
buy it here
Romeo & Juliet: A BabyLit Board Book
Little Master Shakespeare!
available here

Pride & Prejudice: Little Miss Austen, illustration, 2 rich gentlemen
How adorable is this?!  This is from the Jane Austen book.  I Adore.
image via
Ahh, so darn cute.
Art by Allison Oliver.
Books by Jennifer Adams.

These are images from the Alice book and can be found on Alison Oliver's Sugar website here.
Alison Oliver is the amazing illustrator of these board books.

Just too much cuteness!



  1. How about a literary snob and an English major with a child with disabilities?

    I would love to find a way to share these stories with Mishayla, but never could find any materials that would be appropriate. These might work. Her reading level I would say is about 2nd grade, and these are baby books, but what the heck?

    thanks, Cyndee

    1. Cyndee, I think that's a great idea. I would buy these for Alli; hell, I would buy them for myself, they're just so darn cute! I think these would be a great way to introduce Mishayla to these stories, because you could expand and fill in the gaps with more of the story. The pictures could be used as starting points. Especially the Austen book, since each number coincides with a major part of the book. Let me know if you get any of them!
