Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What I'm Wanting Now

I'd like that exact Chesterfield sofa, in that exact color, please and thank you.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Farewell to Summer

Well, this Monday signifies the end of summer for me, as I am allowed to go pick up the keys to my classroom and start putting my room together for a new school year.  I can't believe that school is going to start next week!  We do not officially start, with kiddos in the classroom, until next Thursday.  Having all this week and more than half of next to prepare my classroom would normally be very welcome indeed, but I don't actually get this full week to work in my room; I have to go to San Diego.  Don't get me wrong; I love San Diego.  I love Coronado Island and Old Town.  But this isn't a last hurrah vacation kind of deal; it is for a conference.  It should be good, and I am looking forward to learning new techniques to employ in my classroom, but, well, I would love to have that time to work in my classroom.  Oh well!  I can take comfort in the fact that this conference will help me be better prepared to prepare my new set of kiddos, right?  Anyway.

I'm sad to see this summer go, but I can't complain; we got to do a lot of fun stuff and we got to make some pretty fantastic memories! Now I'm off to my classroom to get it set up. For the past two years, I've done a Hollywood theme, but I've decided that this year I am going to switch back to my old favorite, Alice in Wonderland. Rebecca's party reminded me how much I LOVE this theme, so I am excited to go back to it. My class is just a bungalow (wow- David Lee Roth just popped into my head. Not just a gigalo- just a bungalow), so it has its issues.  I've got to get creative about how I decorate, but I've got a few tricks up my teaching sleeves that I'll  have to show you in another post, once I get my classroom up and ready.  For now,   I hope you enjoy your Monday!  Here's a little Roth for ya, since he's now dancing around my head, singing.
image via daylife


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Inspiration: Oscar Wilde

Here's a little bit of Sunday inspiration for you, from one of the greatest wits that ever was.
friday favorites
image via Lauren Conrad
Mr. Wilde had it right.  I'd rather be overdressed than underdressed, don't you agree?
Here's one thing on my wishlist that will help any girl achieve a completed, dressed look.
Origins Ginzing Brightening Mascara, available mid August


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quote of the Week: Keep Calm and Fight On

breast cancer | Tumblr
via pinterest

My mother- in- law, Jeanne, has had a two year long battle against breast cancer.  I am happy to say that she won the war that cancer waged in her body, but she still has to contend with the damage it has done to her body.  Today she is in New York undergoing another reconstructive procedure.  We are all grateful that her chances of never battling this again are good, but nothing is ever certain.  It is, unfortunately, a common story for many but it takes unusual bravery and determination to come out strong on the other side.

You are almost there, Jeanne!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Inspiration: Living Art

The Cat and I were up watching movies the other night (well, some Arrested Development and some Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and one movie- Return to Me)  when we got the late night munchies.  What we really wanted was some caramel marshmallow popcorn, but I didn't have any popcorn.  So I thought about the ingredients I had on hand (my cupboards resemble Old Mother Hubbard right now) and realized I could make these Peanut Butter Oat Balls by Poppytalk.  After I was done whipping those up, I sat down and looked around the blog.  I'm glad I did!  There was a post about an art installation in London, at Kings Cross.  Artist Anna Garforth created this moss installation on a railway wall.
photo by James Jones, image via Poppytalk
photo by James Jones, image via Poppytalk
How cool is that?  I think it is so visually striking.  Amazing.  Awesome.  I want this in my yard.  And if this little trick I found on pinterest actually works, then maybe I could make it happen!  I had pinned this diy "moss paint" a little while ago; I love moss!  Maybe I watched Swamp Thing one too many times growing up.  I don't know.
image found on pinterest, via oh montreal
Okay.  So this is moss paint, and after a little snooping, guess what I found?  The recipe is from none other than Anna Garforth, the artist who created the moss art installation at Kings Cross.  So I'm betting the recipe actually works, given you have the proper climate and conditions and all that jazz.

Here's the recipe:
Blend one can of beer (or 12 oz of buttermilk), a few handfulls of moss, and a teaspoon of sugar in a blender until liquid.  Paint on a wall.  Water it daily (misting it with a spray bottle should work).  Thanks to the blog Oh Montreal, there is a great link to Popular Mechanics that gives a great step by step on making what they call "moss graffiti."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Outfit of the Day: Spots and Stripes

Lori's last post on Audrey Hepburn inspired me (view here)  I too love a great leopard print.  I am still on vacation in Kalispell Montana and I have done a little shopping here.  I bought this great striped top by Shabby Apple and I thought that I would pair it with my leopard pumps for an easy summer evening look.  

 Just like decorating a room, mixing casual and formal pieces(here a straw bag and leopard pumps) can be a really interesting way to do a look that isn't serious but has the classic elements I like.

Enjoy your warm summer evenings too!  We are going on the "Far West" tonight:  It is a cruise ship in Summers Montana that tours the Flathead lake.  All aboard!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Paper Doll

It is hard to believe that summer vacation is more than half way over.  Part of me is sad, lamenting the fact that all too soon staying up 'til 3 a.m. and not waking up 'til 9 or 10 will be a thing of the past.  But I have to admit that I am excited, too, to start a new school year;  I especially felt this way when I wandered into the store the other day and saw all the fresh school supplies that were laid out, row after glorious row.Anyway.  It has been a good vacation so far, with nice little trips here and there.
While the Cat and I were in Chicago, on our first day, we all went to a little stationery store called the Paper Doll.  It is a beautiful little shop owned by two sisters with fabulous taste.  Being on vacation, I didn't really have the room to load up on the gorgeous wrapping paper and fun boxed card sets that they carry, but I did manage to nab a couple of cute little buttons because I couldn't walk away completely empty handed.
Kind of blurry, but you get the idea.  I left the other one on a
 little thank you note for Becky and David.  
Here are some of the super cute cards by a couple of the brands the Paper Doll carries.

I adore this whole line of cards from Red Cap
They carry fabulous lines like Snow & Graham, Rifle, and Red Cap.  Too much gorgeousness, I tell you.  Too much!
by Red Cap Cards

Visit Chicago
I wish I would have seen this while we were there; how perfect is this?!
from Hello Lucky

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DIY: Air Plant Terrariums

When my parents went to visit family this spring, my mom sent me these pictures of my aunt's air plant terrariums.  I think they are really fun and interesting and completely fresh.  She told me that all you do is buy the plant and soak it in water over night.  Then you can put it anywhere you like and only have to soak it once a week.  I like that you can get many different kinds and arrange any little scene you like in an interesting bowl, dish or jar.  Here are some of the ones she had around:

The ship is probably my favorite.

I love this little elephant.

Thanks for sending me the pictures, mom!  And thanks for the genius idea Aunt Jennifer!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Inspiration: A.P.C.

I'm late to the party, but how much do you love this ad campaign from A.P.C. spring/summer?!
from a.p.c., image via Owl Versus Dove
First, I love the outfit- it is simple, but not at all boring. I love those shorts, and the shoes! Second, I am loving the cartered with sailboats. Love. LOVE!
Plus, if you head on over to their website,  you'll see that it so, well, pretty!  Click on the women's section, and everything is set up in rows, by color. 
Doesn't this just make your hear go pitter-patter?!  I love how this looks, with the colors blending into each other.  I think it gives it an ombre-like effect.  I love it.  Did you just hear that?  It was me and my silent squeal of delight. 


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Future DIY: Dresser Turned Sink Console Ideas

I was strolling through the barn one day, in the very merry month of July (sing with me!).  Enough of that.  Okay really, though, for $75 I think this is going to make the perfect sink console in my powder room!  The measurements are perfect and the sink can easily be retrofitted in the top drawer.  The bottom two drawers are more than enough storage in a guest powder room anyway: some toilet paper, a few extra hand towels and some pretty rooms spray.  I have a few ideas about how I want this to eventually look...

I like this weathered grey finish this vanity has and the carerra marble top with an under mount sink is a must.
Restoration Hardware 

Sarah Richardson used matching dressers in her farmhouse family bathroom.  I love the look!

How about this faucet?  Pretty great, right?

I think I will play with the grey finish, but if all else fails, I love white!  I will let you know how it's coming along...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Inspiration: Audrey Hepburn

I recently canceled my DirectTV service. (GASP!)  The receiver stopped working about a month ago.  I think it has actually been out longer than that.  I was too lazy busy to call and get it repaired.  The Cat and I have been gone a lot anyway, and when we are home, we have been turning on Netflix and watching Magnum P.I. and Parks and Recreation.  We have also been watching movies.  For the Cat, is has been titles such as The Adams Family and Girls Just Want to Have Fun.  For me, it has been some classics, like His Girl Friday, How to Steal a Million, and Charade.  Good, fun classics, the latter two starring one Ms. Audrey Hepburn, looking oh so sleek and stylish with her nod to mod and her classic 60's wardrobe.  There are a couple of looks that I particularly adore.
image via The French Touch
Hello, monochromatic chic.

image via Style Matters
Perfection in a navy jacket.

The first two are from How to Steal a Million with Peter O'Toole.  Next up are some great looks (including my favorite) from Charade with Cary Grant.

image via Style on Film

Isn't this beige coat and matching hat gorgeous?   I will answer that for you- yes; yes it is.

image via Style on Film

This is gorgeous too- beige with a black belt.  Perfect.
My favorite look from the film comes in the form of a red jacket and a leopard print hat.  I love, love, love this look, possibly because I am rather obsessed with leopard print at the moment.
image via Style Matters

image via Lil Vintage Me
I do not see myself wearing the hat, but I did recently get a red jacket.  Hmmmm.  What I would like is a leopard print coat.  Nothing garish, which is easy territory to slip into with something like this,  just perfect.  (Is that really so much to ask?!)  I am inspired by Hepburn's/Givenchy's use of the leopard print, and have loved incorporating it into my outfits via my leopard print flats.
But a coat... Well, a leopard print coat, done right, would become a wardrobe staple for me this winter.
Let me show you what I mean:



Friday, July 20, 2012

DIY: Tea Cup Candelabra

This is a page I ripped out of Country Living Magazine many years back.  I knew this project would be fun sometime and boy was I ever right!

I made this especially for my daughter's "Alice in Wonderland" birthday party, but it has also been used for Easter and a baby shower.  I can see putting tea bags and sugar cubes in the cups for a gathering, too.  
 It was easy to make:  These are two brass candelabras that my husband took apart (the base was taken from the top one) and then screwed them together.  Next he spray painted it white.  He then epoxied the teacups in place.  Super easy and super cute!

Thank you Country Living! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Weekend Trip: Viva Las Vegas

This past weekend a group of friends and I went to Vegas to celebrate an upcoming birthday and an anniversary.  We didn't get there until after 10 or 11 Friday night, didn't go to bed 'til after 5, and didn't stop laughing all night.  
Here are a couple of things that are essential for a summer weekend in Vegas.  This isn't everything, of course, but these are some of the things that I either found most useful or that I wish I had remembered to bring.

Vegas Essentials

Vegas Essentials by desertgirls featuring necessities

First up, I brought  my Boscia Super Cool De-Puffing Eye Balm.  I bought this at Sephora at the beginning of the summer, and it was so nice to have it for when I returned to my room after a long night and for in the morning afternoon when I finally woke up.  
On the way to Vegas, I wore a maxi dress- it was perfect for the trip because it was comfortable for the ride and perfect for the hot temperatures that greeted us on the strip.  The dress featured here is from Hobbs.  The python print is perfect for sin city, no?
What I wish that I brought was a little wristlet in addition to the beach bag that I pictured.  I only brought my Kate Spade bag, which was way too big to carry around the casino. I had to fashion my own little mini bag out of what I had- a leather wallet and a gold necklace.  

In a pinch, it worked out beautifully.  I am just so damned resourceful.  I think that would totally get me some kind of badge if I was part of Troop Beverly Hills.  Anyway, a little wristlet, like this one from BCBG would be ideal to carry your room key, i.d., some cash, a lipstick, and some visine.  (All that icky smoke in the casinos kills my eyes!)
BCBG Harlow Mini Envelope Clutch with Wristlet
An eye mask (the one pictured is Chanel) is ideal for those of you who stay out too late drinking gambling exploring.  With the help of the mask and some Advil, you can work off your hangover exploring while you sleep.  And the light from that pesky old sun won't wake you up.
When you finally do wake up the next day, what better way to spend it (actually, shopping is the correct answer here) than poolside?!  A bathing suitbeach bagfloppy hat, some magazines...  Oh, and a great pair of sunglasses are important too.
And how great is this cover up by Lemlem?  I lovelove it.  (Lamelame, I know.  Don't judge.)
Lemlem cover up

The only thing I didn't mention from the collage are the sandals- the color, silver, acts as a neutral and goes with the dress and can be worn poolside.  This will leave plenty of room in your luggage to bring other shoes as needed, for the rest of your wardrobe.  
I brought a versatile pair of shorts that I could easily throw on with one shirt for day and then dress up with a different top for night.  I also brought a couple of dresses for the evening, too.  I wasn't sure exactly what we would be doing, and I wanted to be prepared (that, by the way, should warrant another merit badge from Shelly Long and Troop Beverly Hills).  
I also brought some bottled water and some new biscuits from Nabisco called belVita.  If you haven't tried these yet, you should- they are tasty and pretty healthy and filling, since they are a breakfast biscuit.  (I actually originally tried them because they were labeled "biscuits" and not "cookies," and I am a huge dork and love all kinds of Londony/English things, like biscuits, so I wanted to buy them mainly for that reason.  I am a marketer's dream client, I'm telling you.)
So what are your Vegas essentials?  Anything I didn't include in my little list?  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Inspiration: Mermaids and Esther Williams

Hollywood's Mermaid

The beautiful Esther Williams made silver screen history in the 1940's and 50's as MGM 's mermaid siren.  Williams was an accomplished swimmer, learning the butterfly breast-stroke a 'male only' swim style from life guards at a local pool where she counted towels to make enough money for the entry fee for a swim competition.  Her team broke records with the help of Williams and at 16 she planned to enter the 1940 Summer Olympics but it was cancelled because World War II began.  She had a back up.
Million Dollar Mermaid
Williams portrays the famous Australian swimmer, Annette Kellerman, in the movie Million Dollar Mermaid (1952).   In this scene Kellerman is arrested for indecent exposure because her bathing suit shows too much skin.  She solves the "problem"...
The Million Dollar Mermaid

Esther Williams

via aiminglow
Williams was in around 30 films and hers was one of the top 20 highest grossing films of 1952 (Wikipedia).  She was a phenomenon!

While I was thinking about Hollywood's greatest mermaid, I started thinking about these great mermaid figurines from the 1920's.  I would love a few of these in my powder room!
on etsy.com

on ebay

via pascoe ceramics

via antiques navigator

via ruby lane

via antiques navigator

via ebay static

I think these are whimsical and kitch and I'm not alone; many of these figures are highly collectible.  I would love a few on my bathroom shelf.