Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Pinsday

Maybe it's because my kids are home for summer vacation or because we just finished celebrating my daughter's 5th birthday but, whatever it is, I have kids on the brain.  Pinterest always has great ideas to inspire overachieving mommies like me!  I'm linking up with The Vintage Apple again today:)

This is a cute idea! Sidewalk chalk portraits. :-)
Such a fun photo idea!
Rebecca Iverson on pinterest via
So cute for a little girl's room.
have big dreams
Pinterest via thegrassskirtblog
Rebecca Iverson on pinterest via marthamoments
River rocks in a box + garden hose = clean feet.  Placed in the sun will heat the stones as well.  Great for washing dirty feet before going inside.
Enjoy your day!


  1. Those "ruby slippers" remind me of my brother's wedding - his two daughters (my nieces) both wore red glitter shoes with their dresses.

    1. Gotta love ruby slippers! What a cute idea for a wedding:)

