A few days before the end of our spring break I decided we needed to tackle a little project. My husband was game because that meant he could tinker around in the garage. I have always wanted some English style planter boxes for the front entryway. We just used scrap wood and only had to purchase the finials and paint! They ended up costing only $16 each. Nice right?

He started by making a four sided box (no bottom) with left over tongue- and- groove. It would have looked just as good with flat sides and trim, but this is what we happened to have and it matches the style of my home on the inside.
These are the boxes in their raw state. He added the flat trim and the finials (pre-made at Lowes).
I'm still thinking about adding decorative hinges to the corners but we'll see. Also, I had my heart set on topiary trees of some sort to go in the boxes, but I couldn't find any that would grow in a shaded area like my entry. I settled on these pretty azaleas. I do love the color against the blue and hopefully they will grow taller.

I used an exterior semi gloss called "blue haze" by pantone on the boxes. One of the nice things is that these don't have a bottom; there are plastic urns inside the boxes so that there is no water or dirt against the wood to rot it over time.
I am very pleased with the end result.
It's back to reality today for us. The kids were cranky waking up and we were too. Ah, yes. On the more positive side of things, we only have around 8 weeks until Summer vacation!
Happy Monday everyone!