For awhile now Lori and I both have been looking to get a fiddle leaf fig tree into our homes. They aren't easy to come by where we live for some reason. I have found a few varieties of palms that I like and there are always beautiful ideas for succulents. I am finding it more of a priority to accumulate beautiful green plants for my home. I am really good about having cut flowers everywhere but, honestly, they die quickly. I would rather invest in longevity first and then accent with a few fresh bouquets.
I don't know about you, but I find the above information very useful. Thanks again, Pinterest!
I don't know about you, but I find the above information very useful. Thanks again, Pinterest!
I think all these images are lovely and, in terms of decorating a home, what could be better than adding green life to every room?
Are there any indoor plants you have grown that you love? We need to hear from you!
Lori is still away in Paris {lucky, lucky, girl} so that is why you are hearing from me so often this week. She will have lots to share with you when she returns.

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