I read Gone With the Wind in high school. I think it is a much better option for a teenage girl than the Twilight books but I digress. It's a bit funny to me that we all love Scarlett O'Hara so much, because when I read the book and when I watch the movie I actually really dislike her. Don't you? But after a while I remember back on her as strong and beautiful as opposed to selfish, vain, and greedy.

When I think of the color emerald green I instantly think of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind. Especially the scene where she asks her mammy make a dress out of her mother's poitiers. Scarlett (Vivien Leigh) wore green throughout the movie, as a subtle symbol of her Irish background and envious nature. I absolutely LOVE green. It is one of the most sophisticated colors there is.

Even with a sour expression she is stunning in emerald. Here are a few inspiring rooms and gorgeous items that prove that emerald is the empress of colors:

Wouldn't these curtains make a chic gown like Scarlet O'Hara's?

Punchy green in a creamy space feels very garden inspired.

Green wood-grain wallpaper in the backs of the built-ins makes blues and reds pop.

This bracelet is on my wish list.

The perfect cocktail ring.

Just so pretty.

For those who want emerald green everywhere, this is stunning.

I think emerald never looked so good. What beautiful use of color, pattern and texture.

Green pants look very equestrian. Like a modern day Scarlett O'Hara riding through the plantation.

This Richardson designed guest room shows that even a little bit of this fabulous color works wonders in a black and white space.

Can we all just agree that that ottoman is fantastic?

Green lattice fabric is a perfect contemporary choice for a fresh look on a traditional chair or pair of chairs.
Green lattice fabric is a perfect contemporary choice for a fresh look on a traditional chair or pair of chairs.

Fun but not overly bold in a white bathroom.

This front door was our inspiration. I wish I knew what color it was; it has such depth.
BEFORE: It was a reddish brown.
AFTER: Now the doors are a lovely green and the beige house with brown trim has a very "town and country" vibe.
Because the front doors are in the shade more, we didn't want to go too dark, neither did we want to go bright. I think this color is just right.
Are you loving emerald yet? Sorry if you aren't because it is the new color of 2013.
I love emerald green! It adds such a bold pop of color against the white.
Thanks Nora! I heartily agree.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!